A Frenchman among the Bedouins

Arvieux, Laurent d' / Ödman, Samuel (transl). Arabernas seder och lefnadssätt.

Uppsala, Johan Edman, 1783.

12mo (95 x 150 mm). (12), 203, (1) pp. 19th century leather-backed marbled boards. With engraved headers and footers.


Swedish translation of this early work by the French diplomat Laurent d'Arvieux (1635-1702) on his travels in Palestine and among the Bedouin tribes of the Arabian Peninsula and Levant. Originally published in French in 1717 as "Voyage dans la Palestine", d'Arvieux's work garnered special attention in Europe, since he had actually been to the lands discussed, learned (at least to some degree) the languages, and rubbed shoulders with Arab royalty as part of his diplomatic duties. D'Arvieux undertook a description of the "Grand Emir", and Arab culture, dress, and tradition. He had a special interest in the lifestyle of the Bedouins, and paid particular attention to their political and social practices. His observations on the Bedouins in Mount Carmel were corroborated soon after by the explorer Carsten Niebuhr (1733-1815). Contains sections on the Arabs' hospitality, their respect for beards, their opinions on dogs and cats, their legal system, their food and drink, etc.


19th and 20th century ownership inscriptions to title-page and front pastedown.


One leaf chipped with some loss to text; some browning throughout.


OCLC 187031953. Cf. Röhricht (Palestine) p. 268, no. 1113. Gay 3453. Weber II, 337.