De luxe edition

[Hauslab, Franz von]. Darstellung der K. K. Oesterreichischen Armee mit allen Chargen [...].

Vienna, Joseph Trentsensky, [1823].

4to. 2 vols. Lithographed title-page, 2 lithographed pp. (table of contents), 202 lithographed plates in original hand colour, numbered 3-205 (nos. 4, 33, 64-69, 184-186 not numbered; nos. 132 and 138 transposed). Each plate trimmed and pasted to blue paper with printed military decorations. With letterpress half-titles throughout. Elaborate contemporary calf; original lithographed wrapper covers mounted within decorative giltstamped cover borders. Giltstamped romantic spine decoration. White moirée silk endpapers. All edges gilt.


Deluxe issue of the first edition, exceedingly rare: a splendid ensemble of military costume plates assembled by Franz von Hauslab and lithographed by Joseph Trentsensky, in an attractive green gilt morocco binding. In contrast to the regular edition, the individual sheets (measuring ca. 155 x 197 mm) are here mounted on much larger blue leaves lithographed with military flag poles, from which the prints appear to hang in the manner of a standard.

Includes an introductory guide to the various regiments and their colours, followed by 36 chapters, each devoted a single army unit, with the ranks depicted separately. The fine illustrations of the soldiers are hand-coloured in full detail, allowing for an exact reconstruction of the historical uniforms. The elaborate binding is a splendid example of the neo-gothic style of Romanticism.


The woodcut bookplates on both front flyleaves bear the initials "RK", their anchor design suggesting a member of the navy as the previous owner.


Without the separately issued folio appendix (20 ff. of artillery and wagons). Outer hinges and extremeties very slightly rubbed. First volume shows a waterstain near the end of the binding, with the inner hinge professionally repaired; interior otherwise crisp and clean throughout.


Colas 1384. Hiler 592. Bobins V, 1578.

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