Early collection of Arabic medical works

[Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Gazes, Galen, Hippocrates et al.]. Articella nuperrime impressa cum quamplurimis tractatibus pristine impressioni superadditis, ut patet in pagina sequenti. Petri Pomarii Valentini hispani ad lectorem Herastychon.

(Lyon, per Antonium du Ry, impensis Jacobi & Francisci de Giunta Florentini ac sociorum, 1525).

4to. 368 ff. Title-page printed in red and black within architectural woodcut border. With printer’s device on final leaf; full-page woodcut of blood-letting man on fol. U4r. Later vellum with ms. title to spine.


Early collection of Arabic, Greek, Latin, and modern medical works, first printed in 1476. The contents varied over time; the contents of this edition are as in the Lyon editions of 1515 (Jean de la Place) and 1519 (Jacques Myt). Contains extracts from Ibn Sina (Canon, Cantica), Galen (Ars medica), Hippocrates (various selections), Jacques Desparts (Summula super plurimis remediis ex Mesue libris), Theodoros Gazes, Aulus Cornelius Celsus, Arnaldus de Villanova, and Armengaud Blaise.


Palau 230.678. OCLC 14319070.

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