Medicine and mysticism from Qalyubi

Qalyubi, Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Ahmad. [Tadhkirah fi al-Tibb.] Mukhtasar fi 'ilm al-Tibb.

No place, [ca. 17th century CE].

4to (153 x 210 mm). 65 ff. Arabic manuscript on paper. Black naskh script in 17 lines, with important words and phrases picked out in red, marginal annotations. Contemporary full leather binding with blindstamped medaillons to covers; modern endpapers and marbled pastedowns.


A work on medicine and mysticism by the Egyptian physician Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Ahmad Qalyubi (d. 1659), who taught on matters of Islam, medicine, and literature in 17th century Cairo. One of his students was the Syrian historian Ibn al-Imad al-Hanbali (1623-79), who went on to write a lengthy biographical dictionary covering the first ten centuries of Muslim history, "Shadharat al-dhahab fi akhbar man dhahab" ("Fragments of Gold in the Accounts of Those Who Have Departed"), which has remained a useful reference for scholars of the history of Islam into the present day.

This particular manuscript, prepared by a scribe who names himself as Ali bin Sulaiman in the colophon, is titled "Mukhtasar fi 'ilm al-Tibb" (An Epitome of the Art of Medicine), but Qalyubi's work is more commonly known as "Tadhkirah fi al-Tibb" (Memorandum of Medicine) or "Tadhkirat al-Qalyubi fi al-tibb wa-al-hikmah" (Admonitions of Qalyubi on the art of medicine and of wisdom). It was first printed in Cairo in AH 1300 (1883 CE).

Binding and sewing professionally renewed. Paper brittle and soiled with some loss to margins in early leaves.


GAL II, 364f. (479), 3.

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