Schiele, Egon, Austrian painter (1890-1918). Autograph letter signed.

No place, 7 May 1914.

8vo. 1 p. on bifolium. In German.


Unpublished letter to the Viennese lawyer Jakob Scheu concerning the payment of a debt to the tailor Rudolf Holub: "It is quite impossible for me at the moment to pay the whole debt of 247 K to Mr. Holub; however, the week after next I will be able to pay a part, and I hope to pay the balance in the course of the month" (transl.).

Although 1914 was an artistically successful year for Schiele that saw his first international exhibitions in Rome, Brussels, and Paris, his financial situation remained grim. On 4 March 1918 Scheu wrote a letter to Schiele's lawyer and patron Alfred Spitzer, urging the payment of Schiele's years-old debt and pointing to the successful 49th exhibition of the Secession dedicated to Schiele (Nebehay 1407). Four days later, Schiele informed Spitzer that he had just paid the last instalment.

Slightly creased.


Cf. C. M. Nebehay, Egon Schiele, 1890-1918: Leben, Briefe, Gedichte (Salzburg, 1979).

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