Grimm, Jacob, German philologist, jurist and mythologist (1785-1863). Autograph letter signed.

[Berlin], 25. Dezember 1850.

8vo. 1 page. With two enclosures (see below).


To an unidentified correspondent ("Hochgeehrter Herr College"), reproaching him for ignoring his reminder of a few weeks ago, stressing the trouble this matter has caused him, and stating that he knows no reason why he should not have paid him the six thalers which were due three months ago: "Ich verdiene nicht, dass Sie meinen vor einigen Wochen geschriebenen Mahnbrief unberücksichtigt lassen. Diese Angelegenheit gibt mir so viel Mühe […]".

Together with a copy of a printed speech given by Grimm on the centenary of Schiller's birth ("Rede auf Schiller", Berlin, Verlag der kgl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1859), inscribed by Grimm on the upper wrapper to his friend, the jurist and rector of the Humboldt University of Berlin, Adolf August Friedrich Rudorff. Also enclosed is a manuscript note in an unidentified hand itemising some remarks by W. Grimm for the printer ("Bemerkungen von W. Grimm für den Stecher", oblong 8vo, 1 page).

Letter with some small defects to edges. Formerly in the collection of the Berlin pianist and composer Ernst Rudorff, the son of Adolf August Friedrich Rudorff.

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