Rops, Félicien, Belgian artist (1833-1898). Autograph letter signed.

La Demi-Lune (Essonnes), 16. IX. 1893.

Small 8vo. 1 p. on bifolium.


To the Belgian printer and publisher François Nys with an invitation to visit Rops at his house in Essonnes in order to collect new proofs, also instructing Nys to bring along a basket for pears: "Il y a ici une ou deux épreuves retouchées qui vous attendent. Prenez un grand panier pour mettre des poires car il y en a ici pour vans [?], votre portefeuille avec les portraits en question dedans et tout ce que vous avez pour moi. Prenez Lundi le train de 9 heures 45, gare de Lyon - Lundi, pour Moulin-Galant un aller et retour, vous serez à Moulin-Galant vers 11 heures, vous déjeunerez avec nous, et je crois que vous passerez une bonne journée".

In 1884 Félicien Rops moved to his estate La Demi Lune in Essonnes, 30 kilometres south of Paris, together with his two romantic partners, the sisters Léontine and Aurélie Duluc, and his daughter Claire. He reduced his artistic output and dedicated himself to botany, especially the cultivation of roses. As the jovial letter suggests, Nys was not only a business partner but also a friend of the family. A charming little portrait of Nys from 1891 by Claire Rops is held at the Musée Félicien Rops in Namur.

Very slightly stained.

Stock Code: BN#57632 Tag: