Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov). Eshche raz o Profsouzakh, o tekushchem momente i ob oshibkakh tov. Trotskogo i Bukharina. [Once Again on the Trade Unions, the Current Situation and the Mistakes of Trotsky and Bukharin].

Moscow, M. C. N. Kh. Nikolskaya for Otdel Pechati Moskovskogo Soveta R., K., i K. D., 1921.

8vo (144 x 215 mm). 32 pp. Original printed wrappers.


First edition. Lenin's rare economic treatise on trade unions, pointing out the political mistakes of Leo Trotsky and Nikolay Ivanovich Bukharin. The discussion of trade unions was an organic part of the general crisis of the war-communism system, which began at the termination of the civil war. The discussion played an important role in the transition to the New Economic Policy.

Tiny flaw to lower margin near the gutter; several creases.


Lenin, Collected Works XXXII, 70-107. OCLC 38804895.

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