Commentary on the "Qanunceh"

[Ibn Sina (Avicenna)]. Jaghmini, Mahmud ibn Muhammad ibn Omar al- / Shah Arzani, Muhammad Akbar ibn Muhammad. Mufarrih al-qulub. Sharh al-qanunchah al-Jaghmini.

[Central Asia], [1707/08 CE =] 1119-1120 H.

Tall 8vo (150 x 265 mm). Persian manuscript on polished oriental paper. (340) ff., 23 lines, per extensum. Black ink with red emphases. Modern red blindstamped full calf, bound to style.


Expansive commentary on the "Qanunchah" ("Qanunceh", "Small Canon") of Mahmud al-Jaghmini, the important Persian medical compendium based on Ibn Sina's famous Arabic "Qanun". Al-Jaghmini's handbook of medicine was widely used at Eastern Persian schools as an introductory medical instruction manual for at least three centuries. The present commentary by Shah Arzani was copied by Fadhl al-Din in 1119-1120 H.

Paper browned and brittle, some edge tears (rarely touching the text). Prettily bound to style in a modern full leather binding with oriental cover decorations stamped in relief.

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