Maximilian, Archduke of Austria, Emperor of Mexico. Recuerdos de mi vida. Memorias de Maximiliano. Traducidas por Don José Linares y Don Luis Mendez.

México, F. Escalante, 1869.

8vo. 2 vols. in one. (4), XXIV, V-XI, (1), 234, (2) pp. 228, (2) pp. With lithographed portrait frontispiece by Salazar. Contemporary red half morocco, spine prettily gilt. Marbled endpapers.


Only Mexican editione. Maximilian's memoirs were first published in Vienna in 1862, in a limited edition of only 50 copies for the Archduke himself and the members of the Austrian Imperial family. After Maximilian's tragic death in Querétaro on 19 June 1867, a revised and enlarged edition was published under the title "Aus meinem Leben. Reiseskizzen, Aphorismen, Gedichte" (Leipzig, 1867). The present edition in Spanish also contains the preface to the French edition by Jules Gaillard, published in 1868.

Binding a little rubbed, but well preserved altogether.


Palau 158.793.

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