With an account of modern Arabia based on Niebuhr

[Jäger, Wolfgang?]. Leben und Meinungen Mahomeds, des Propheten der Muselmänner, und Stifters einer großen Monarchie. Nebst der Geschichte Arabiens.

Lausanne, Samuel Berger, 1789.

8vo. 116 pp. Contemporary grey wrappers.


Extremely rare, anonymous account of the "Life and opinions of Muhammad, the Prophet of the Muslims, and founder of a great monarchy, with the history of Arabia" (as the book is titled in German). Chauvin attributes the work to the Altdorf professor Wolfgang Jäger (1734-95), who taught Western languages but was not an oriental scholar. The chapter on modern life in the Arabian Peninsula is based on Niebuhr, while the section on Arab women and the liberties and privileges they enjoy is credited to John Richardson (being an original translation from his "Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations").

A few professional restorations, spine rebacked, otherwise well preserved.


Chauvin X, 586. Not in Holzmann/Bohatta.