Dufour, Guillaume-Henri, Swiss military officer, engineer, founder of the International Red Cross (1787-1875). Autograph letter signed.

Geneva, 23. VIII. 1865.

8vo. 1 page on bifolium.


To the educator Edmund August Gouzy (born 1831), whom he sends a low-quality photograph for want of a better one, and communicates his and his family's regards to colonel David Zimmerli, who served under his command as a member of the Swiss Confederation's General Staff during the Sonderbund War of 1847: "Voici la photographie que je vous ai promise. Je voudrais qu'elle fut meilleure, mais, n'en ayant pas d'autre, j'ai dû vous l'envoyer telle qu'elle. Je vous prie de me rappeler au bon souvenir de l'excellent Colonel Zimmerli et de ces dames qui ont laissé dans ma famille un bien agréable souvenir [...]".

A small marginal tear. The photograph is not enclosed.

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