The Seventh Arab Petroleum Congress

Loutfi, Galal / Jaber, Ali S[alama]. Geology of the Upper Albian-Campanian Succession in the Kuwait-Saudi Arabia, Neutral Zone, Offshore Area. Paper No. 62 (B-3).

[Kuwait], Arabian Oil Company, Ltd. (Japan), 1970.

Large 4to (20.6 x 28.5 cm). (3), 14, (3). With one map in the text, 3 folding diagrams and 4 numbered plates (plate II and IV comprising 3 pages each), as well as 4 corresponding pages of captions. Original printed wrappers. Stapled and perforated.


Rare conference paper for the Seventh Arab Petroleum Congress organized by the Secretariat General of the League of Arab States, held in Kuwait from March 16 to 22, 1970. Authored by the geologist Galal Loutfi and the paleontologist Ali Salama Jaber, it discusses the stratigraphiy of three oil fields in the Kuwait-Saudi Arabian Neutral Zone offshore area, namely Khafji, Hout, and Dorra. The illustrations show the geologic profile of the area with its various rock formations, as well as microfacies of four different kinds of limestone in a total of 33 figures.

Front cover slightly brownstained along edges; a larger trace of glue on inside of lower cover; interior otherwise crisp and clean. A single copy located in libraries worldwide (Muséum d'histoire naturelle, Genève).


OCLC 716527649.

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