[Medical manual and recipe book]. Examen: Vor ein Neuer angehender Chirurgus, der sich will examiniren lassen, daß er in seinem examen bestehet, und wohl erfunden wird, so muß er dieses alles auswendig lernen, daß er antworten kann, über dasjenige was ihm gefragt wird. Anno 1806.

Franconia and Alsace (Augsburg, Nuremberg, Strasbourg), 1800-1826.

4to (170 x 230 mm). German (and Latin) manuscript by various hands. (47), 285 (misnumbered: 286), (47) pp. Contemporary boards with vellum corners and modern cloth spine.


Interesting medical manual beginning with an "examen" on the unnumbered 45 preliminary pages, arranged as questions and answers in the manner of a catechism. The body of the work consists in a copious collection of medical recipes: the first 193 pages contain a "description of my approved recipes, some by myself, as well as by other medical men well versed in practical matters". The next section (up to p. 223), in a different hand, contains additional "recipes by Mr. Clausing surgeon in Strasbourg" (i.e. the Baden-born surgeon and obstetrician Johann Peter Clausing, 1762-1835); the following section (to p. 242) contains "recipes by Dr. Hessert" (another Strasbourg physician of the early 19th century). Pages 243-286 offer "formularies" (such as Hippocrates, de Arte &c.), but also recipies for ointments, preserves, pills, pastes, rotulae, dicocta, clismata, pulpae, cataplasmata, etc.

The final part, again without page numbers contains extensive private notes on domestic economy concerning expenditures and earnings for the years from 1817 to 1826.

Written in dark brown ink by several hands in mostly well-legible German script. A few quires slightly loosened; occasional slight dust-soiling and fingerstaining (title-page and final leaves more so). A well-preserved manuscript on uncommonly strong paper.

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