Buckland, William, English theologian, geologist and palaeontologist (1784-1856). Autograph letter signed.

Oxford, 19 July (no year).

8vo. 1 page on bifolium. With remnants of autograph address on verso.


To the painter and geologist Thomas Richard Underwood (1772-1835) in Paris, asking him to assist an aspiring doctor during his sojourn there: "A friend of mine Mr. C. Bishop M.A. of our University is coming to reside some time in Paris for the purpose of studying Medicine. Will you allow me to request of You the favor to give him any Assistance that may be in your Power to facilitate his Views in this Department, & As He is a stranger at Paris you will also probabl[y] be able to give him many friendly hints that may be of service [...]".

Part of the address clipped. With 3 strips of old mounting tape on verso. Previously in the collection of the English novelist Catherine Hutton (1756-1846), with a few annotations in her handwriting. Enclosed is a clipping of an envelope with an autograph address, mounted on thin cardboard.

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