Algerian scenery

Geiser, Jean-Théophile. Sud-Oranais.

Algeria, ca. 1870.

Oblong 4to. Album with 50 albumen prints, each measuring ca. 117 x 167 mm, mounted on cardboard. Contemporary blindstamped full cloth with giltstamped cover-title.


Charming compilation of photographs capturing Algerian scenery, by the Swiss photographer Geiser, who ran a photo studio in Algiers since 1867 and was particularly famous for his oriental portraits of women. His present works show vast landscapes (including a mirage), buildings, and local inhabitants going about their work in the environs of the Le Kreider military camp near Oran, the villages of Mécheria, Ain Sefra, Tiout, Beni-Ounif, Taght, Beni-Abbes, and Figuig. Includes the widely distributed photograph of Emir Abd-el-Kader as well as a depiction of the guard of the Pasha of Figuig. Other photographs show caravans, tents, a French doctor treating locals, French colonial soldiers, a group of people praying to a marabout, and the gardens in the oasis of Igli. All pictures with handwritten captions in French.

Handwritten ink ownership by Johannes Berg, dated Lüdenscheid 1906, to flyleaf. Extremities somewhat bumped, hinges a little worn. Backing cardboard slightly warped. A well-compiled selection of remarkable photographs from French North Africa in the 1870s.


For Geiser cf. Pouillon, Dictionnaire des orientalistes de langue française.

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