Nicolle, Charles, French bacteriologist and Nobel laureate (1866-1936). Autograph manuscript signed ("C. Nicolle").

Grasse, 15. V. 1934.

4to. 3 pp. on 3 ff.


In French, the preface to a book by Dr. Paul Held on the physician Guy-Crescent Fagon. Nicolle appreciates in this book the style, the precision, and the impression of authenticity that emanates from the portrait of Fagon, a botanist who became Louis XIV's "doctor", "more hygienist than therapist. It is this mistrustful prudence, this wisdom that dictated, no doubt, the clear advice he gave to the beautiful Madelonne, insipid pecorist, and to Bayle, the old loner. I understand that the same qualities advised him to wait for the progress of the royal gangrene and that he judged it useless to add medical poisoning to the criminal poisonings he discovered at Court" (transl.).

Provenance: Sale of the collection of Dr. Villard (8 March, 2001, lot 250).