Arabic words from three Qur'an suras

[Qur'an studies]. Happel, Justus Helfrich / May, Johann Heinrich (praes.). Brevis institutio linguae Arabicae. D. Joh. Henr. Maji Hebraicae, Chaldaicae, Syriacae, Samaritanae ac Aethiopicae harmonica. Accedit glossarium arabicum cum reliquis orientis linguis harmonicum, in IV Geneseos capita priora et tres praecipuas Alcorani suratas.

Frankfurt, Johann Philipp Andreae, 1707.

4to. (2), (8), (3)-75, (1) pp. With 1 folding table. Contemporary marbled brown boards, spine reinforced with later brown cloth.


An orientalist dissertation by the Hessian scholar Happel, incorporating a grammar of the Arabic language and a glossary harmonising Hebrew terms from the first four books of Genesis with Arabic words from three Qur'an suras, namely sura 1 (Al-Fatiha), 12 (Yusuf), and 64 (At-Taghabun), previously edited by Erpenius.

Some browning throughout due to paper. Lacks free endpapers; front hinge reinforced. 19th and 20th century ownerships to pastedown.


Schnurrer 87. GV (1700) 56, 6. OCLC 31311242. Not in Fück.

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