"for the practitioner's immediate use"

Böckler, Georg Andreas. Schola militaris moderna. Oder Neu vermehrte Kriegs-Schule [...].

Jena, Samuel Krebs for the heirs of Thomas Matthias Goetze in Frankfurt, 1674.

8vo. (14), 1037, (19) pp. Title-page printed in red and black. With additional engraved title-page and 58 engraved plates (one double-page, 6 folding). Contemporary full vellum with hand-lettered spine title.


Rare second, expanded edition of Böckler's "compendious manual of the art of warfare for the practitioner's immediate use" (Jähns), first published in 1665. A total of ten editions appear to have been printed until the end of the century.

Uppermost quarter of spine painted red in the manner of a label. Small rust hole on leaf Q2.

Provenance: armorial bookplate of Ignaz Dominik Graf Chorinsky (1729-92), governor of Silesia and the son-in-law of the Austrian Chief of Police Franz Joseph Graf Saurau, notorious for his crackdown on the so-called Jacobin conspiracies. Later in the collection of Thomas Fremantle, 3rd Baron Cottesloe (1862-1956), commander of the Territorial Army and president of the Society for Army History Research (purchased from Sotheran's, December 1936).


VD 17, 39:120556W. Cf. Jähns 1152. Jordan 363 (counting only 56 plates).

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