Gostner, Erwin. 1000 Tage im KZ. Ein Erlebnisbericht aus den Konzentrationslagern Dachau, Mauthausen und Gusen.

(Innsbruck, Wagner'sche Univ.-Buchdruckerei, 1945).

8vo. 211, (1) pp. Private floral cloth over boards. With text illustrations by Karl Sommer and 16 photograph plates.


First edition, published before the 1946 trade edition, printed by Wagner's University print shop. Released for publication as "No 5922" on 13 Sept. 1945 by the military government of the French occupation zone in the Tyrol.

Gostner (1914-90), a Catholic opponent of the Nazi regime, was arrested in March 1938. His book, entitled "1000 Days in a Concentration Camp - A First-Hand Report from the Concentration Camps Dachau, Mauthausen and Gusen, with authentic photographs and documents", is one of the earliest autobiographical reports published after the end of World War II, providing an eyewitness account of the cruelty and mass murder inside the National Socialists' concentration camps.

Slightly browned due to paper, front hinge splitting. Repeated ballpoint ownership of "Tomas Wolkerstorfer".

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