Angelo da Vallombrosa. Oratio Angeli anachorite Vallisumbrose pro concilio Lateranensi. Contra conventiculum Pisanum.

[Rome, Marcello Silber, 1511].

4to. (6) ff. With the woodcut Papal arms on the title-page. Modern half vellum over marbled boards.


Only edition of this speech for the convocation of the Fifth Lateran Council and against the convocation of the schismatic Second Council of Pisa. The jurist and abbot Angelus Anachorita Vallombrosa (1455-1530) authored a number of polemics, including several against Savonarola.

Year of printing supplied from the date of the preface ("Sexto Idus Sept. 1511" = 8 Sept. 1511); printer from A. Tinto, Gli annali tipografici di Eucario e Marcello Silber (1968).

Noticeable waterstaining throughout with old shelfmark in brown ink to title-page; date on verso annotated in sanguine. Very rare.


Edit 16, CNCE 1857. BM-STC Italian 29. Not in Adams.

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