Angelo da Vallombrosa. Apologeticum Angeli anachorite Vallisumbrose pro Iulio Papa contra consilium Decii ad S.R.E. Cardinales.

[Rome, Marcello Silber, 1511].

4to. (4) ff. With the woodcut Papal arms on the title-page. Modern half vellum over marbled boards.


One of two issues of this pamphlet in defence of Pope Julius II against the anti-papist "consilium" of the important jurist Filippo Decio (1454-1535), who had argued for the legitimacy of the second Council of Pisa. The jurist and abbot Angelus Anachorita Vallombrosa (1455-1530) authored a number of polemics, including several against Savonarola.

Year of printing supplied from the date of the preface ("X Kal. Dec. 1511" = 22 Nov. 1511); the copy in the Bavarian State Library (4 Conc. 81) is patently misdated "1509". Printer from A. Tinto, Gli annali tipografici di Eucario e Marcello Silber (1968).

Some brownstaining to title-page with old shelfmark in brown ink; date on verso annotated in sanguine. Very rare.


Edit 16, CNCE 1851. OCLC 54337177. Not in Adams or BM-STC Italian.

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