[Council of Trent] - Paul III, Pope. [Bulla sacri oecumenici et generalis concilii celebrandi]. S.D.N.D. Pauli Divina Providentia Papae III. Bulla Sacri Oecumenici Et Generalis Concilii, ad quartam Dominicam in Quadragesima proxime futura celebrandi, seu prosequendi. Cum reuocatione suspensionis, alias ad tempus per S. suam declarandum factae.

[Nuremberg, Johann Petreius], 1545.

4to. (4) ff. With the woodcut Papal arms on the title-page. Modern half vellum over marbled boards.


Papal bull with an invitation to the Council of Trent, superseding an earlier one issued in 1542. One of several Latin editions, followed by numerous German ones. "Printer identified by Mr Ulrich Kopp of Wolfenbüttel" (cf. VD16).

Old handwritten shelfmark to to upper edge of the title-page (trimmed); a largish waterstain near the lower edge, otherwise a clean copy.


VD 16, ZV 26760. Not in Adams or BM-STC German.

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