The reform of the Ottoman military

[Müteferrika] Effendi, Ibrahim. Traité de tactique, ou methode artificielle pour l’ordonnance des troupes. Ouvrage publié et imprimé a Costantinople [...] traduit du Turc.

Vienna, Trattner, 1769.

8vo. XLIV, 224 pp, 2 blank leaves. Modern half calf with giltstamped red spine label.


First translation (by Károly Comte de Reviczky) of Müteferrika's discussion of the reform of the Ottoman military, which the author himself had published at his own press in 1732. This is the second issue, without the Arabic words "Usul al-hikam fi nizam al-umam" or the word "la" on the title-page and a new page-count (agreeing with the copy in the BSB).

Ownership and bookplate of an Italian collector Antuzzi on flyleaf. Untrimmed; a good copy. Rare, no copy can be traced in auction or trade records.


Seemann (Trattner) 1958. Giese 1005. Petrik II, 200. Kriegsarchiv-Bibliothek Dg. 13. Oravetz, 119. Oravetz S., 25.

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