Mentioning Al-Qatif near Bahrain

Teixeira, Pedro. (The Travels of Peter Teixeira from India to Italy by Land.) A View of the Universe: or, a New Collection of Voyages and Travels Into All Parts of the World. With the Geography and History of Every Country [ed. by John Stevens].

London, J. Knapton et al., 1710.

4to. (2), 81, (7) pp. 19th century later half calf over cloth boards with giltstamped title to spine. All edges gilt.


The account of the 1604/05 return voyage of the Portuguese merchant and adventurer Pedro Teixeira (1563-1645?), mentioning "Katifa (Al-Qatif) near Barhem (Bahrain)" in the Gulf (p. 15), Basra's trade with "Barhen, Catifa, Lasan, Persia, Bagdat, and all Arabia" (p. 16), as well as Badawin culture in Arabia (p. 21). Separately issued second part of the second volume of a collection of seven separate travel accounts compiled by John Stevens printed between 1708 and 1710 under the series title of "A View of the Universe", this one "for March 1710".

Contemporary handwritten ownership to title-page. Covers rubbed, with flaw to leather of upper cover. Slight, even browning; a good, wide-margined copy.


Wiles, Serial Publication in England Before 1750 (1957), p. 272. Howgego, to 1800, T19, p. 1018.