J. A. Boerner's copy

[Bernard, George]. Iconographie regum Francorum. Daß ist ein eigentliche Abconterfeyung, aller Könige in Franckreich, deren in die 62 von Pharamundo, biß auff Henricum den 3 dises namens, regiert haben.

Cologne, Johann Bussemacher (Buchßmacher), 1587.

4to. (2) ff., (1), LXII, (1) pp., (2) ff. With etched armorial title and 62 large etched portraits in the text by Virgil Solis and Jost Amman. Contemporary vellum boards using a late 15th century vellum manuscript in red, blue and brown ink.


Expanded fourth edition with the etchings by Solis and Amman. The French original edition of the main text had first appeared in Lyon in 1570, published by Clement Baudin under the title "Chronique sommairement traitée des faits héroiques de tous les rois de France". The title page shows the French arms, held by two genii; the etchings in the text show medaillon portraits surrounded by elaborate scrollwork borders, with little historical scenes inserted below. "Ammans's borders appear darker throughout than those of Solis and are marked out by being containing an abundant wealth of minute details. The scrollwork is less plastic than that of Solis, and humans are more frequently depicted" (cf. O'Dell-Franke).

The title illustration and the third portrait (showing Merovech) are weak impressions, the others crisp and well-defined throughout. Provenance: handwritten bibliographical notes and ownership (dated 1823) by Johann Andreas Boerner (1785-1862), the noted Nuremberg print dealer and auctioneer, on the flyleaf. Later in the Max and Maurice Rosenheim Collection (round paper label on inside front cover), dispersed at Sotheby's in 1923. Very rare; a single copy in VD 16 (BSB Munich).


VD 16, B 1901. Becker 81b. Cf. Ebert 518. O'Dell-Franke 149.

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