"To facilitate and make more transparent the trade with Turkey"

[Ottoman-Austrian Trade Agreement]. Handlungseinverständniß zwischen dem kaiserl. königl. Hofe, und der ottomanischen Pforte zum Vortheile der österreichischen Handlung unter dem Namen Sined, oder Einverständnis geschlossen den 24. Hornung 1784.

Vienna, (Baumeister f.) Sebastian Hartl, 1785.

8vo. 276 pp. With a folding table printed on both sides. Early 20th c. half cloth over marbled boards with giltstamped spine title.


First edition. Contains the text of the Trade Agreement of 24 March 1784 as well as earlier similar treaties: trade and shipping accords closed as part of the Treaty of Passarowitz in 1718, articles concerning trade as part of the Peace of Carlowitz in 1739, and the 1783 trade engagement between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. The extensive final section (pp. 165ff.) contains tables of the prices for various products manufactured in Austrian factories "to facilitate and make more transparent the trade with Turkey", giving prices for a vast array of wares, such as mirrors, crockery, silverware, boxes and cases, toys, cloth and socks, etc.).


Title-page stained and wrinkled with and old Hungarian stamp and paper flaws (rebacked with insignificant loss), some further staining to fol. G1, otherwise a very good copy.


Kress, p. 5073. Wernigg 5849.