Clüver, Philipp. Introductionis in universam geographiam, tam veterem quàm novam, libri VI. Acceßit P. Bertij breviarium orbis terrarum.

Amsterdam, Elzevier, 1659.

12mo. 352 (including the engraved title-page), 70, (10) pp. With 3 folding engraved plates and 1 folding letterpress table. Contemporary blindstamped vellum over thin wooden boards with handwritten spine title and green ribbons.


First edition thus as published by the Elzeviers of Amsterdam: a compact copy of this prominent work by the founder of historical geography, the German historian and cartographer Clüver (1580-1622) which first appeared in 1624. It is divided into 6 books, with the first book giving an account of the planet Earth, including a discussion of its climate zones, its rotation, remarks about navigation at sea and signs of the zodiac, while the following books describe various countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The plates show circles of longitude and latitude, the winds of the Mediterranean, cardinal directions and measures of distance. Also, the present edition includes the "Breviarium totius orbis terrarum" by the Flemish geographer Peter Bertius (1565-1629), further describing various countries and providing a list of Roman and Holy Roman Emperors. The small 12mo format is a characteristic of the books issued by the famous Elzevir printing and publishing house and soon became very desirable among bibliophiles.

With shelfmarks to the pastedown and the lower flyleaf. Binding rubbed, brownstained. From the library of the Viennese collector Werner Habel, with his signed and stamped ownership, dated 1982, to the flyleaf.


Willems 1242. Cf. Graesse II, 204 (1729 ed.). Pieters 261 (different collation). Sabin 13085. Ebert I, 374 (other eds.).

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