Ridinger, Johann Elias (ed.). Entwurff Einiger Thiere, wie solche nach ihren unterschiedenen Arten, Actionen und Leidenschaften, nach dem Leben gezeichnet, samt beygefügten Anmerckungen.

Augsburg, Ridinger, 1738-1740.

Folio (224 x 335 mm). 5 parts in one volume. Each with a title-page in red and black, 2 [part III: 3] letterpress pp. and 18 numbered engraved plates. In total 90 engraved plates. Contemporary full calf with giltstamped red and green labels to prettily gilt spine. All edges red.


First edition.

This "masterpiece" (cf. Cobres) by the German engraver and publisher is considered the "most extensive and widely useful collection, owing its existence solely to him [Ridinger]" (cf. Thienemann). It includes a sequence of zoologically themed plates which "are highly sought after and often copied" (cf. Thienemann), showing animals in their characteristic actions and surroundings. Part one presents sporting dogs, while part two treats wild animals, such as lions, tigers and aurochs. Parts three and four cover "principal animals of the chase" (Schwerdt), namely aurochs, bears, stags, boars, deer, ibexes, chamois, lynxes and wolves. "Lesser animals of the chase" (Schwerdt), like foxes, rabbits, badgers, otters, beavers and squirrels are included in the fifth part. Two additional parts, showing horses, mules and donkeys, would be issued until 1755.

Contemporary bookplate of Count Ladislaus Kemeny to the patterned pastedown. A few notes in ink, mostly stating animals' Latin names. Binding and pastedowns slightly wormed. Top spine end missing, lower one scuffed. A few pages brownstained, plate 86 waterstained, a small tear in plate 81 (not touching image). From the library of the Viennese collector Werner Habel, with his signed and stamped ownership, dated 1979, to the flyleaf.


VD 18, 90195426. Thieme/Becker 28, 309. Thienemann 391-480. Nissen 3406. Schwerdt III, 141. Cobres 307, 4.

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