Ziegler, Anton. Wiener Häuser-Schema und der nächsten Umgebung in Grundrissen dargestellt.

Vienna, Anton Ziegler, 1854.

Folio (ca. 268 x 410 mm). 8 double-page lithographed plans in original hand colour. Contemporary printed wrappers.


Volume one only of a rare two-volume set of plans showing Vienna's districts and individual houses with their numbers. Ziegler (1793-1869) released several such works between 1837 and 1861. It reflects the city's division into police precincts, with each district coloured differently. The lithograph plans were printed by Johann Höfelich in Vienna; six of them are dated 1852. They include the Inner City, Leopoldstadt, Landstraße, Erdberg, Wieden, Margarethen, Spittelberg, Neubau, Mariahilf, Gumpendorf, Josefstadt, Alsergrund and Rossau. One page of the first and last plan are printed on the inner wrappers.

Wrappers slightly duststained and brownstained, spine somewhat worn. Paper a little fingerstained a the margins, brownstained in places. From the library of the Viennese collector Werner Habel.


Cf. Wurzbach LX, 46. Eckl 780 (differing title). Donhofer, Wien. Bücher und Pläne 34 (volume two). For Höfelich cf. Durstmüller II, 234, 340. Not in Mayer, Gugitz.

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