[Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)]. Rossiiskaia sotsial'demokraticheskaia rabochaia partiia [Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party]. Internatsional i voina [War and the International], No. 1 [all published].

[Geneva?], Izdanie Zagr. Sekretariata Org. K-ta R.S.D.R.P., 1915.

8vo (218 x 148 mm). 148 pp. Original printed wrappers.


First and only issue of the extremely scarce journal (only one issue appeared), which presents the results of the Zimmerwald Conference on September 5-8, 1915. The journal represents the views of the "Zimmerwald-Left", a coalition of revolutionary socialists who forcefully disagreed with the social democrats around Kautsky in their approach to the war. While the German Social Democrats had voted for war credits in 1914 and spoke out in favor of defending the fatherland, the socialist revolutionaries argued placing the solidary of the international proletariat over national interests and called for the dissolution of the Second International. The issue contains articles by numerous members of the Organizing Committee of the foreign secretariate of the Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party, such as A. Martynov and Iurii Larin. It also reproduces the full manifesto that was approved by the participants, and into which Lenin inserted several key demands of revolutionary, anti-militarist socialism, followed by the signature of Lenin and other members of the various national delegations.

Rare; we are unable to locate auction records either in Russia or the West.

Light wear to spine extremities; still very good.


Not in the Souvarine and Bernshtein catalog (Dekker & Nordemann BV, 1980).

Stock Code: BN#48529 Tags: ,