Fuß, N[icolas]. Entwurf einer allgemeinen Leihe-Bank wo nicht nur Kapitalien zu gewissen Zinsen sowol ausgelehnt als angenommen, sondern auch zugleich andere verschiedene Anstalten als Leibrenten, Sterbe- und Wittwen-Kassen damit verbunden werden können.

St. Petersburg, gedruckt bey der Kayserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1776.

4to. 154 pp. With folding table after p. 130. 19th century blue boards with cloth spine and handwritten label.


First and only edition. A project for a loan-office, based upon the principles of probability developed by Leonhard Euler. Published simultaneously in French as "Eclaircissemens sur les etablissements publics en faveur tant des veuves que des morts", for which - according to his present preface - Fuß had done the calculations. Fuß was a Swiss mathematician who, recommended by Daniel Bernoulli, moved to Russia to become Euler's assistant and in 1800 secretary of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. As from page 83: "Analytischer Anhang die Auflösung der in obigem Entwurf einer allgemeinen Leihe-Bank vorkommenden Aufgaben enthaltend".

Removed from the Tbilisi Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory with their cancelled lithographic bookplate to the inside front cover; Georgian stamp to first free endpaper and to page 17.


Humpert 6798. Not in Kress, Goldsmiths' or Einaudi.

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