Profusely illustrated work on the Ottoman Empire with over 500 woodcuts

Höniger von Königshoven, Nicolaus (ed.). Hoffhaltung des Türckhischen Keysers und Othomannischen Reichs beschreibung [...].

Basel, Sebastian Henricpetri, 1578.

Folio (215 x 317 mm). Two parts in one volume, each with separate title page. (6 [instead of 8], CCCLIII, (1) pp. (8), CCLXXVIII (wanting final leaf with printer's device). Title page printed in red and black; with woodcut illustrations throughout. Contemporary half leather binding with roll-tools on five raised double bands; covers appealingly covered with the remains of a 15th-century musical manuscript on vellum.


Second German edition of this widely received compilation. The main text derives from Antoine Geuffroy's "Estat de la court du grand Turc", first published in 1542; the other texts include the slavery account of Bartolomej Djurdjevic (Georgijevic), the exhortations of Bessarion and Pius II against the Turks, Breydenbach on the Armenians, and Aventinus's panegyric on Charles V. Also contains a discussion of the life of Mahomet, the Muslim religion and its rites. The second part deals almost exclusively with the reign of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent. Includes the impressive plans and maps of Cairo, Constantinople, and Tunis.

Some worming near beginning; some edge flaws and paper damage (remargined). Rather browned throughout with some waterstaining; occasional contemporary ink marginalia. Old library stamps of the Graz Friars Minor on title page.


VD 16, G 1911. BM-STC German 408. Adams G 561. Chauvin XII, p. 166, no. 638. Göllner 1692. Hammer 1044. Kertbeny 896. Cf. Atabey 492 (1573 ed.). Not in Blackmer or Cobham-Jeffrey.