Knecht, Justin Heinrich. Luthers Verdienste um Musik und Poesie. Eine Skizze.

Ulm, Wohlersche Buchhandlung, 1817.

8vo. 32 pp. Modern boards with label to upper cover. All edges red.


First edition of the author's last effort, extremely rare. Dedicated to the newly acceded King Wilhelm I of Württemberg.

The German writer on music, composer and organist J. H. Knecht (1752-1817) "had musical instruction from local teachers, but was mainly self-taught. The writer C. M. Wieland, who lived near [his native] Biberach, was a friend and tutor of his [...] In 1771 he was appointed music director and organist in his native town, where he remained all his life apart from a short interlude during which he was court conductor at Stuttgart (1806-8). He enjoyed a great reputation as composer, organist and theorist of the Vogler school [...] Knecht's theoretical treatises are also indebted to Vogler" (New Grove X, 119f.).

A good, clean copy.


Kauffmann S. 73. Eitner V, 391. MGG VII, 1267.

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