Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov). Mezhdunarodnoe polozhenie (Rech' tov. Lenina na 1-m zasedanii II-go Kongressa Kommunisticheskogo Internationala 19-go iulia 1920 g.). S prilozheniem tezisov, priniatykh II-ym Kongressom Komm. Internationala: "Ob osnovnykh zadachakh Kommunisticheskogo Internationala". [The international situation. A speech by Comrade Lenin held on the first meeting of the Second Congress of the Communist International on July 19, 1920. Also included: "On the basic goals of the Communist International"]. Rechi i besedy agitatora, no. 32.

Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo, 1920.

19 pp. Original printed wrappers. 8vo.


Text uncut and unopened; somewhat fragile, with light fraying to gutter of wrappers, into which gatherings are loosely inserted as issued.


OCLC 24092349 (copies at Hoover, Melbourne, and the Swedish National Library).

Stock Code: BN#47313 Tag: