Schmitt, Carl, German jurist and philosopher (1888-1985). Autograph letter signed.

Plettenberg, 4 Jan. 1970.

Large 4to. 2 pp. In French.


To the French political scientist and sociologist Julien Freund about his recent book "Politische Theologie II", the worldwide decline of Communism, and about Max Weber, whose work, Schmitt says, occupies him incessantly. Schmitt agrees with what Freund has written on the term "Wertfreiheit" (value freedom) and requests that he send him his relevant article. For Weber, he writes, "Wertfreiheit" is merely a deficient tool to dissolve the university. Schmitt's concerns in his "Politische Theologie II" appear also to be central for Weber. Regarding the decline of Communism, Schmitt notes that American journalists announced only in 1969 that the Moscow regime would not survive until 1984. He points out that Freund's article "Moskau und Prag" would probably have faced similar difficulties in being published in Germany, where even the word "enemy" is taboo: "Continuez, cher Julien, à me tenir en courant de vos activités et pensées! Max Weber ne cesse pas de m'occuper. Ce que vous écrivez sur la 'Wertfreiheit' (pour Weber c'est une arme terrible susceptible de disloquer l'université) est exactement le point décisif. Envoyez l'article, je vous en prie. Lisez le Moral di décembre 1969: ces journalistes américains proclament aujourd'hui de touts les toits, en grandes lignes: le régime actuel de Moscou ne vivra pas jusqu'à 1984. En même temps, la hausse Mao-ienne a cessé; elle a été 'stopped' avec celle de Che Guevara. Votre article 'Moscou et Prague' aurait des difficultés à paraître aussi dans l'Allemagne d'aujourd'hui. Il y beaucoup d'èmissions en radio sur 'le conflit' et les 'partenaires de conflits'. Le mot 'ennemi' est tabouisé. Même l'assasin est le partenaire actif, l'assassiné le partenaire passive d'un 'conflit'. C'est la theatralité scientifique. Le problème 'Politische Theologie' me semble central pour Max Weber; surtout sa doctrine de la légitimité charismatique. Dieu est mort, la théologie reste, et les théologiens sont immortels [...]".

Schmitt was a close friend of Freund, whom he viewed as his intellectual successor, and their correspondence is extensive. The conservative theorist Schmitt is noted as a critic of parliamentary democracy, and liberalism, and his work has been a major influence on subsequent political theory, legal theory, continental philosophy, and political theology, but its value and significance are controversial, mainly due to his intellectual support for and active involvement with Nazism.

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