Nineteen trade treaties with the Orient

[Collection of treaty articles relating to commercial transactions of subjects of the Austrian state in the Ottoman Empire]. Avusturya devleti tebaasinin Memalik-i Osmaniyede ticaretlerine ait mevadd-i ahdiyye mecmuasidir.

Vienna, Dar tiba' al-imberaturiyy (k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei), 1846.

Large 8vo. 88 pp. Printed in black with red headings, within printed gilt rules. Illuminated head-piece and 'unwan printed in three colours and gilt, in imitation of manuscript illumination. Gilt tail-piece. (Bound with:) Raccolta dei trattati e delle principali convenzioni concernanti il commercio e la navigazione dei sudditi Austriaci negli Stati della Porta Ottomana. Ibid., 1844. (4), VIII, 224 pp. Contemporary green morocco binding with fore-edge flap, covers giltstamped with an oriental design. All edges gilt.


The full text of 19 trade treaties, in Ottoman Turkish throughout, closed between the Austrian and the Ottoman Empire between 1110/1699 (Peace of Karlovac) and 1259/1844. Bound in the same volume is the 1844 Italian-language edition, containing the texts of the various treaties in their respective original European language, with an Italian translation on the opposite pages.

Ownership "C Fr Jelinek 1855" signed to endpaper. The Turkish text shows occasional insignificant foxing, as common; altogether very well preserved. A splendidly bound copy.


Zenker, BO II, 805.