Unique: an early investigation into the psychology of expression

Vittadini, Giovanni. Delle fisionomie dissertazione inaugurale.

Pavia, Fratelli Fusi, May 1852.

8vo. 28 pp. Upper cover preserves original green printed wrapper.


Very rare, curious medical dissertation on physiognomy - in particular, how emotions and traits of character express themselves in the human face. The study of physiognomy is mainly associated with Charles Le Brun and Johann Kaspar Lavater in earlier centuries (and their approach resounds in the present dissertation), but it is well worth remembering that Charles Darwin made his principal contribution to human psychology with his book on "The Expression of Emotion in Animals and Men" as late as 1872, a study of genetically determined aspects of behaviour.

Some slight waterstaining to the top corner of the first few leaves. Apparently printed with a minimal press-run: no other copy traceable in library or collection catalogues internationally.

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