Important collection of works about Persia

Bizzarri, Pietro. Rerum Persicarum historia, initia gentis, mores, instituta, resque gestas [...].

Frankfurt, Andreas Wechel / Claude de Marne & Johann Aubry's heirs, 1601.

Folio (222 x 337 mm). (8), 644, (32) pp. With woodcut devices on title page (repeated at the end) and several pretty woodcut initials. Modern blindtooled leather binding, spine in six compartments and gilt spine title.


Second, enlarged edition (first printed in 1583). Important collection of previously published works about Persia, including the travels of the Venetians Giuseppe Barbaro (1436) and Ambrogio Contarini (1473), "together with several other tracts relating to the Turks, including works by Callimachus, Minadoi, [etc.]" (Sotheby's, Atabey sale, no. 117).

Spine somewhat faded. Rather browned and foxed throughout due to paper, as common, but altogether clean; occasional insignificant worming to margins. Title and final leaf show stains from removed stamps.


VD 17, 23:231248Y. Atabey 112. Schwab 47. Graesse I, 433. Brunet I, 956 & VI, 28069. Cf. Adelung I, 139ff. Cicogna I, 360. Cox I, 258. Not in Blackmer.