In forty-six languages

[Type specimens]. Regi Gustavo regis federici filio Suecis Gothis Vandalis Imperanti praesides et alumni Collegii Christiano nomini propagando quod linguarum experimenta publicantibus indulgentissime adfuerit interumque ad officinae librariae cognitionem lyceo successerit honoris ergo litterarium formarum omnigenarum specimen laeti libentes dedicant [...].

[Rome], (typis Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, March 1784).

Small folio (252 x 336 mm). (1), 23, (1) ff. (lacking first blank). With engraved medallion headpiece to first leaf. Modern marbled boards with giltstamped green title label to upper cover.


Only edition.

A set of congratulatory poems in forty-six languages to honour the visit of Gustaf III of Sweden to Rome. This multilingual album of type specimens is a remarkable showcase for the typographical versatility of the Propaganda Press in the later 18th century, shortly before the printing-house was "despoiled unmercifully" (Updike I, 183) in 1798 by the French Directory. Includes versions in Arabic, Armenian, Chaldaic, Chinese, Croatian, Classical and Modern Greek, Hebrew, Malabar, Persian, Serbian, Syrian, Tibetan, and Turkish.

Some browning and foxing throughout; a few edge flaws (with occasional loss of corner) repaired. A wide-margined copy. Rare; OCLC lists eight copies worldwide (six in U.S. research libraries).


OCLC 20273705.

Stock Code: BN#46012 Tags: , , ,