Portis, Leonardo de. De sestertio, talentis, pecuniis, ponderibus, me[n]suris, stipendiis militaribus antiquis [...].

[Basel], Johann Froben, [ca 1520].

4to. (4), 62, (6) pp. With woodcut printer's device on title page (repeated on final page) and 3 woodcut initials. Sewn.


Early edition of a frequently reissued manual on classical coins, measurements, and weights, edited and introducted by Giovanni Battista Egnazio. Page 58 gives the diagram of an ancient measurement.

Slightly browned throughout. Apparently removed from an old sammelband; contemporary marginalia on p. 13 trimmed by binder's knife. Old ownership and notes on the preserved lower wrapper cover or interleaf.


VD 16, P 4394. BM-STC German 713. Cf. Heckethorn (The Printers of Basle) 114, 6 (1530 Hieronymus Froben edition). Not in Adams.

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