Charles VI, Emperor. Printed mandate for a "Turk tax" to be levied in Upper Austria.

Wien, 25 Jan. 1738.

Folio, ca. 58 x 44 cm. 1 p.


At the beginning of the third year of war against the Ottoman army in the Austro-Russian-Turkish War of 1735-39: a mandate to the Upper Austrian Estates and their subservients regarding an extraordinary tax to be raised for the support the Imperial army. "We [the Emperor] should have wished nothing better, from the time that we were obliged to take arms against the hereditary enemy, than to re-establish the peace, and effect this either through the force of weapons or by kind acts; however, as during the time of our recent campaign our so numerous and well-equipped armies have much suffered from illnesses, long and tiring marches, and other hardships which must needs accompany a war, and thus have been hindered in achieving the desired further successes, and peace negotiations are yet distant, though We do not desist in pursuing all means conducive to achieving such an end, all that is now necessary is to replenish our forces, and convey here the necessary tools, in other words, to make our forces capable of effectively preventing all enemy action, and to bring peace and safety to our kingdom and dominions; all of which, as everybody will readily acknowledge, cannot be done without great expenditure, for which our treasury and the ordinary grants from the estates are not sufficient, We have found Ourselves compelled, even if against our own wishes, to apply a general contribution, or Turk tax [...]".

Traces of folds with slight tears and paper defects; captioned on reverse by a contemporary hand.

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