Morin, Jean / [Simon, Richard (ed.)]. Antiquitates ecclesiae orientalis, clarissimorum virorum Card. Barberini, L. Allatii, Luc. Holstenii, Joh. Morini, Abr. Ecchellensis, Nic. Peyrescii, Pet. à Valle, Tho. Comheri, Joh. Buxtorfii, H. Hottingeri, &c. Dissertationibus epistolicis enucleatae, nunc ex ipsis autographic editae. Quibus praefixa est Jo. Morini [...] vita.

London, George Wells, 1682.

8vo. (20), 211, (1), 129-487, (1) pp. Contemporary full calf with giltstamped arms of Michel Le Tellier. Leading edges gilt. Edges red.


First edition.

Correspondence between the Oratorian Jean Morin (1591-1659) and Cardinal Barberini (and others) regarding the project of Pope Urban VIII to unite all schismatic churches of the orient with the Roman church, in which the learned orientalist Morin was instrumental. As such, this constitutes an early and important attempt to systematically address the relations between the Rome and the Christian communities established in Lebanon, Syria and in the rest of the Middle East, containing valuable observations on the Druze, Copt, and other local religious communities. Several portions printed in Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Syriac characters. The editor, R. Simon (1638-1712), has prefixed a Life of Morin which "amounts to a diatribe against not only Morin, but the entire Oratorian Congregation" (cf. Wetzer/W.).

From the library of the French statesman Michel III Le Tellier, marquis de Barbezieux (1603-85), minister of state after Mazarin, Chancellor and Keeper of the Seals of France. It was he who counter-signed (with Louis XIV) the Edict of Fontainebleau, revoking the Edict of Nantes and driving the Huguenots from France; he died but a week later.


ESTC R5020. Wing M2764 & S3795. Arber's Term cat. I, 473. Jöcher/A. IV, 2125, 11. Wetzer/W. VIII, 1919. Hoefer XXXVI, 594. OCLC 26431901. Cover arms: Olivier pl. 1753, fer no. 4.

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