[Marx, Karl]. - Orges, Hermann von, pamphletist (1821-1874), correspondent of Karl Marx. Autograph letter signed ("Hermann").

Vienna, 4. VII. n. y.

8vo. 4 pp. on bifolium.


In German, to an unidentified recipient: "[...] Thank you so much your your last lines, which kept me up to date. I have still not given up hope of seeing you here, for we lack any strength that could match yours remotely.

Perhaps Dingelstedt, but he is more of a talented 'faiseur' than a creative spirit, and in the dramatic arts here is a mere versificator, not a poet; also, he lacks all sense of duty, and is by nature sluggish, coarse through and through, half-raving with vanity, and - who would have thought it of the night-watchman - a full-fledged toady. Laube can work: he's a good ploughman, but no gardener [...]".

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