Minadoi, Giovanni Tommaso. Historia della guerra fra Turchi, et Persiani.

Venice, Andrea Muschio & Barezzo Barezzi, 1588.

4to. (32), 383, (29) pp. With woodcut printer's device on title-page and folding engraved map. Contemporary vellum with ms. spine title.


Second edition, including the events of the year 1586 and a letter to M. Corrado about the fortress of Tauris. Minadoi, an eye-witness who spent seven years in the Middle East, describes the 1577-1585 war between Persia and the Ottoman Empire, in which the latter acquired the Caucasus. His first-hand account is a valuable historical source, as his his description of Persia. The map shows Asia Minor and the Near East, as well as Persia as far as Afghanistan. Arabia is shown as far south as the Peninsulas of Qatar and Musandam.

Occasional browning and very slight foxing and waterstaining; a few contemporary underlinings. 18th century owner's woodcut crest mounted on title page next to device; binding repaired at spine.


Edit 16, CNCE 31426. Adams M 1455. Atabey 816. Göllner 1830 (no mention of the map). Yerasimos 324. Not in Blackmer.

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