Münster, Sebastian / Eliyahu Bahur. Pirke Eliyahu [...]. Capitula cantici, specierum, proprietatum, & officiorum.

Basel, (Johann Froben), 1527.

8vo. (196) pp. (a-l8, m10). With 2 different woodcut devices. Modern vellum using old material; ties. In custom-made cloth slipcase.


Grammatical treatise by Elia Levita, edited with a Latin translation by Sebastian Münster.

Slightly brownstained throughout; trimmed somewhat closely. Slight worming near end in the blank margins, repaired.


VD 16, E 999. Burmeister 155. Panzer VI, 259, no. 658. Fürst II, 240 & 407. Steinschneider (Bodl.) 940.37; (Handb.) 1378. Hantzsch 259.I. OCLC 15146666.

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