Rycaut, Paul. Histoire de l'etat présent de l'Empire Ottoman: contenant les maximes politiques des Turcs [...] Traduit de l'Anglois de Monsieur Ricaut [...] par Monsieur Briot.

Paris, Sébastien Mabre-Cramoisy, 1670.

Folio (218 x 282 mm). (12), 382, (2) pp. With separate engraved title-page, 21 engravings in the text, 3 engraved headpieces and 3 engraved initials. Contemporary full calf with giltstamped spine (rebacked preserving the original spine).


The rare first French edition (first issue, in-folio) of Sir Paul Rycaut‘s famous Turkish chronicle, drawn from various authentic sources and from the author‘s own observations. "His most important work [...] presents an animated and, on the whole, faithful picture of Turkish manners" (DNB). "This work is regarded as one of the best of its kind with respect to the religious and military state of Turkey" (Cox). "Provides an account of the society and political system of the Ottoman Empire with unprecedented thoroughness" (cf. Osterhammel, Die Entzauberung Asiens, 32). "An extremely important and influential work, which provides the fullest account of Ottoman affairs during the 17th century" (Blackmer). The attractive engravings depict dignitaries and persons of various ranks in their costumes, also including the illustration of a turban. "Rycaut was appointed consul in Smyrna, where he resided for eleven years. His information on the Ottoman Empire was taken from several sources: original records, and from a Polish resident of some nineteen years at the Ottoman court" (Aboussouan).

18th century ink ownership of Paul Lignon de Brassac on title page; additional ownership ("Dr. Lignon") and notes on flyleaf. Some browning fingerstaining, mainly confined to margins; slight worming affecting upper edge of first two leaves. Binding rubbed; corners bumped. A wide-margined copy.


Weber II, 330. Goldsmith R 1262. Aboussouan 806 (lacking a leaf). Graesse VI/1, 108. Cf. Atabey 1069. Blackmer 1464. Lipperheide Lb 19 (all 2nd ed.). Hiler 770 (1686 English ed.). Howgego R 92 (Rouen 1677 ed.). Cox I, 210. Not in Colas.