Arabic works on medicine and natural science in the original language

Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand. Geschichte der Arabischen Ärzte und Naturforscher.

Göttingen, (Friedrich Ernst Huth for) Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1840.

8vo. XVI, 167, (17) pp. Contemporary half calf with handwritten spine label.


First edition. Selections from Arabic works on medicine and natural science in the original language appended with separate title page (in Arabic): extracts from the "Kitab tahdib al-asma", by Abu Zakariya Yahya al-Nawawi, "Kitab 'uyun alanba' fi tabaqat al-atibba'", by Ibn Abi Usaybi'a, and "Tabaqat as-safiiyya", by Ibn Suhba.

The German orientalist H. F. Wüstenfeld (1808-99), considered one of the greatest literary historians of Arabic, studied theology and oriental languages at Göttingen and Berlin. He taught at Göttingen, becoming a professor there (1842-90), and published many important Arabic texts and valuable works on Arabic history.

Binding somewhat rubbed; some foxing. Old handwritten pencil notes to flyleaf; handwritten ownership to title. A good copy.


Macro 2345. Ibrahim-Hilmy II, 342.

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