Fleury, Abbé [Claude]. Moeurs des Israélites et des Chrétiens.

Tours, Amand Mame, 1825.

8vo. (4), 377, (3) pp. With woodcut printer's device on title-page. Contemporary marbled calf with giltstamped dark green label to gilt spine. Edges sprinkled in red.


“Ce volume réunit deux excellents ouvrages qui ont d’abord paru séparement [...] 1681 et 1682” (Brunet). Claude Fleury (1640-1723), famous French pedagogue and church historian, was made educator of the young princes in 1672, and later the teacher of Louis XIV's natural son. Louis XV made him his confessor. Due to his reclusive life he was known as the "hermit of the court". Fleury had originally written his history of the culture and customs of Jews and Christians for his students and for the instruction of young readers. “Describes the rituals, habits, artifacts, and social structure of the ancient Hebrews, treating its subject with dignity and respect” (Rosenberger Coll. of Judaica).

Occasional browning. Upper spine-end slightly damaged, otherwiese a very attractive copy. Very rare; no copy of this edition listed in library catalogues internationally.


Cf. Brunet II, 1291. Graesse II, 596. Bautz II, 56. This edition not listed in the Bibliographie française du XVe siècle à 2000.

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