"I've never seen a man as mean as you. Did you get your shrimps?": Ahead of the premiere of Sacha Guitry's play "Un Beau Mariage"

Guitry, Sacha, French actor, director, screenwriter, and playwright (1885-1957). Autograph letter signed.

Honfleur (Calvados), 10 July 1911.

4to. 2 pp. In French.


Beautiful and highly interesting letter to a close friend and collaborator, possibly a stage designer or impresario, concerning Guitry's next play "Un Beau Mariage" with two sketches for stage designs and three sketches for theater posters. Guitry apparently reacted to criticism of delays, arguing that what the recipient takes "for slowness" is actually him "working with relentlessness". Furthermore, he blames postponements on his "brilliant idea" of having the manuscript published before the premiere, satirically ascribing the quote "Sir, I lack character" to the head of the print shop. Nevertheless, the recipient "mustn't worry" as Guitry gives him instructions for the sets, including two sketches: "The only things that are indispensable in these two sets are the two doors, the antechamber and the staircase banister in Act 2. In Acts 3 and 4, what is indispensable is the grass, the apple trees, the entrance to the house, the driveway and a panorama in the background" (transl.). Not expecting high returns for the play, Guitry expresses his wish to cast friends, mentioning Arlette Dorgère and Henriette Henriot as potential cast members.

"Un Beau Mariage" premiered on 17 October 1911 at the Théâtre de la Renaissance, while the publication was only finalized in 1912. Guitry ultimately played alongside Charlotte Lysès, Marie Samary, Alexandre Arquillière, and Suzanne Derval, among others.

Some browning. With old repairs and minimal tears.

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